Serial Numbers Form

To enter serial numbers for serialized items in a transaction, please see the steps below.

  1. When you enter a serialized item in the Item# field, for any serial item that is part of the transaction, a serial number field appears onscreen after the item is validated. In the example that follows, a serialized item has been added to the Physical Count.

Inventory - Consumables screen - Serialized Item

  1. Enter a count amount in the Qty field.

Inventory - Consumables screen - Serialized Item

  1. A unique serial number is required for each item in the transaction. To enter a serial number for each item in the transaction, select the Browse button Browse buttonin the Serial # field. The Enter Serial Numbers form appears.

Enter Serial Numbers screen

  1. Scan or enter a serial number in the Serial No field for each item in the count.
  2. Select the Add icon to add the serial number to the item count.

Enter Serial Numbers screen - Serial Number Added

  1. When all serial numbers have been added for the count, click the Save icon Save iconto save the serial numbers to this transaction.
  2. To cancel adding these serial numbers, click the Cancel Cancel iconicon.
  3. To remove a specific serial number from the list, select it and then select the DeleteDelete icon icon.
  4. The Enter Serial Number Numbers form closes and you are returned to the transaction form, which in this example is the Physical Count form.

Inventory - Consumables screen

  1. The Serial# field shows that all five serial numbers have been entered.
  2. Click the SaveSave iconicon to save these items to the transaction. (Click the CancelCancel iconicon to cancel saving these items to the transaction.)